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Pack Rat prevention is really more of landscaping issue than anything else, but we do offer a few options to help manage their presence. As rat's eyesight is poor they rely heavily on low lying vegetation as they approach your house. By keeping vegetation trimmed up and spaced away from other vegetation rats are less likely to approach your property. This is best accomplished by a landscaping company.


While a typically unpopular option we do offer a baiting service. Due to various issues with older baits and poor practices from some companies, baiting has taken a backseat to more environmentally minded approaches. Recent advances in bait chemistry and manufacturing have resulted in more effective and environmentally friendly options. These options while a little less cost effective are the ONLY baits we use at RKC Pest Management keeping the safety of predatory animals in mind.


A good way to drastically drop the population of rats around your property is trapping. A trapping campaign usually doesn't last more than two weeks, we saturate the property with traps, checking them daily. In some cases removing up to 60 rats! from the area. 


Nest removal is always the smart choice when combating pack rats. Much like a dog on a walk, rats will smell the activities of the last few rats that were in the area. So when a rat is looking for a new home an abandoned nest is optimal and they will not hesitate to move in. Removing a nest after trapping has been completed will greatly reduce further infestation from nearing your home. With RKC Pest Management we take it a step further and use a deodorizing, sanitizer and a virucide during the nest removal to help break down the attraction further.


Mice are usually seen as a nuisance pest, but in reality they are a huge public health issue. As a main vector of Hantavirus, Deer Mice and their droppings must be removed to prevent this potentially deadly virus. 


Trapping on the inside and baiting on the exterior is usually a good way to control these pests however successful trapping may take months for larger infestations. 


Once RKC Pest Management has completed the trapping phase we can offer clean up and sanitation of the affected areas with materials labeled for the eradication and prevention of Hantavirus.



Exclusions are required when the infestation has gotten to the point where the rodents are entering the building. We will do an in depth inspection of the structure and identify possible entry points that they could be using to access your house. We install mechanical barriers in these areas to keep the rodents out PERMANTLY so you'll never have to worry about the entry points again!

If you are concerned about these issues or even if you hear scratching and scurrying in the house and you aren't sure what is sharing your house with you, CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE INSPECTION AT (520) 448-1408!!

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